- copd主要包括肺气肿和慢性支气管炎两种疾病,很多患者往往兼有这两种病变,以呼吸困难为主要症状。
- Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two main forms of copd , and many sufferers have both . The condition makes it hard for people to breathe .
- 由于会厌膨胀,并拦截航空公司,您的孩子可能会觉得难以呼吸,都和她们的皮肤可能使灰色或蓝色。
- As the epiglottis swells and blocks the airways , your child may find it hard to breathe at all , and their skin may turn grey or blue .
- 在随后的新闻发布会上,阿扎伦卡声称她误解了问题的意思,她是因为肋骨的伤病让背部运转不畅,导致呼吸困难,才要求伤停治疗的。
- In a subsequent press conference , ms azarenka claimed that she had misunderstood the question , and that she had requested treatment because an injured rib was causing her back to seize up , making it hard to breathe .