- 这个团队用不同体积的廉价梅洛装满了大小一定范围内的小圆筒,然后使它们旋转。
- The team filled up small cylinders in a range of sizes with different volumes of a cheap merlot then set them spinning .
- 据说,将在水中浸泡了一夜的榻榻米卷成很高的圆筒之后,其密度就接近于人体的密度。
- When soaked overnight and rolled up into tall cylinders , tatami mats are said to come close to matching the density of the human body .
- 令他失望的是,里面没有提到留声机和圆筒的事,埃德蒙兹的孙子对此事也没有任何印象。
- To his disappointment it contained no references to graphophones or cylinders and edmunds 's grandchildren remembered nothing .
- 油箱加满需要25分钟的时间。
- Filling the gas tank took twenty-five minutes .
- 俄罗斯否认了坦克车队的存在。
- Russia denies the tank column existed .
- 在回家的路上检查你车子油箱的水平。
- Check your gas tank level on the way home .