- 嗨,选民并不是那些专心钻研税务政策中心分析报告的书呆子。
- Look , voters aren 't policy wonks who pore over tax policy center analyses .
- 过去总是钻研一些关于自给自足理论长篇巨著的学者们忽然发现自己面对许多奇怪的新问题。
- Scholars who used to pore over rambling documents on the philosophy of self-reliance are suddenly confronted with strange new questions .
- 为了守卫气孔,这些年老雌性蚜虫会用粘腊将自己和入侵者们黏在一起,封堵入口以保护虫瘿内的幼虫及可繁殖蚜虫。
- They defend the pore by gluing themselves to intruders , blocking the entrance and protecting the younger , fertile insects cloistered within .
- 以经秋水仙素处理后加倍的四倍体剌葡萄植株为试材,观察其叶片形态、枝蔓节间长度与粗度、叶片气孔、棚栏组织等的变化。
- Variation in leaves configuration , length and roughness of branches panel , leaves stoma , palisade tissue on the induced tetraploid vitis davidii foex .
- 电视台向岛上居民发送了暴风警报。
- The tv station communicated the stoma warning to the islanders .
- 探讨全胃切除术后空肠造口肠内营养治疗的护理方法。
- To explore the nursing ways of enteral nutrition therapy per stoma of jejunum after total gastrectomy .
- 在这样的温度下,粉末内部起反应去除孔隙并得到十分致密的物品。
- At such temperatures the powders react internally to remove porosity and fully dense articles can beobtained .
- 对于含泥浆较多的物质或石灰岩,其总孔隙度和有效孔隙度会有很大差别。
- For more highly cemented materials and limestones , significant difference in total porosity and effective porosity values may occur .
- 有的土壤孔隙少,所以耕作起来很费劲,吸收水分也慢,而且容易粘闭。
- Some soils lack porosity , so that they 're hard to cultivate , slow to absorb water , and inclined to puddle .
- 植物通过小孔(称为气孔)吸收二氧化碳进行光合作用。
- The plants absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis through the same pores ( called stomata ) .
- 在这些细胞中包裹着绒毛(是的,叶子有绒毛),某种肿块或装饰,还有最重要的气孔。
- Included among these cells are hairs ( yup , leaves have hairs ) , any sort of bump or ornamentation , and most important , stomata .
- 选用炉渣、蛭石、棉子壳和泥炭为材料,研究了不同配比对观赏珍珠南瓜幼苗营养生长、净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度的影响。
- This experiment used slag , vermiculite , shuck of cotton and peat as experiment material to study the effect of different proportion on vegetative growth , net photosynthesis rate , transpiration rate and stomata conductance of ornamental pumpkins seedling .