- 有羽毛的恐龙并没有因为它们的后裔---鸟类的出现而退出舞台。
- Feathered dinosaurs did not go away just because they had spun off the birds , though .
- 雄性站在那里保护这个卵,用双脚保持它的平衡,并用被称为育儿袋的有羽毛的皮肤覆盖着它。
- Males stand and protect the egg by balancing them on their feet and covering them with feathered skin known as a brood pouch .
- 在他和他的同事分析这些被刮削下的碎屑时,他们意识到抓痕的形状让人想到这些抓痕是由有羽毛的食肉恐龙,即大家熟知的物种速龙的爪子造成的。
- When he and his colleagues analysed these scrapings they realised that their shape suggested they had been made by the claws of predatory , feathered dinosaurs related to a well-known species called velociraptor .