- 你的婚姻可能有存在问题。
- Your marriage is in trouble .
- 极端主义者正在制造麻烦。
- Extremists are stirring up trouble .
- 而这正是问题的开始。
- And there the trouble started .
- 这就是他指出的第一个断层线。
- That 's his first fault line .
- 会发现这项法律的错误.
- Could find fault with it .
- 但是,这是他的错吗?
- But was it his fault ?
- ald是由x染色体中一个产生ald蛋白质的基因缺陷所引起的。
- Ald is caused by a defect in an x chromosome gene that produces a protein called ald .
- 周三,出使阿拉伯联合酋长国的阿卜杜勒拉提夫(abdellatif)成为了第四个叛逃的叙利亚大使。
- On wednesday abdel latif al-dabbagh , envoy to the united arab emirates , became the fourth syrian ambassador to defect .
- 朝鲜政府级别最高的叛逃官员、上世纪60年代曾教过金正日的前大学教授黄长烨(hwangjangyop)2009年接受采访时说,金正日从没有做过什么难事。
- Hwang jang yop , the highest-ranking north korean government officer ever to defect and a college professor of mr. kim 's in the 1960s , said in a 2009 interview that mr. kim never did anything difficult .
- 心脏病通常并发此症状。
- Heart disease often complicates this .
- 心脏病排在第四位。
- Heart disease came in fourth .
- 你只能延缓慢性病的发生。
- The disease can only be managed .