- 当然,没有任何比喻是完美无瑕的。
- Of course , no analogy is perfect .
- 自然选择的比喻不可否认并不完美。
- The natural-selection analogy is admittedly imperfect .
- 此时,历史类比很直接。
- Here the historical analogy is direct .
- 树立好的榜样。
- Set a good example .
- 迄今为止仅此一例。
- Yet it is the lone example .
- 简单地以传染病为例。
- Take a simple example like infectious disease .
- 例如,基因多样性能够提高抗病能力。
- For example genetic diversity improves disease resistance .
- 比如,你就不能写newupper了。
- You can 't write new upper for example .
- 如,人类是何时由狩猎采集者变身为娴熟的手艺人?
- For example when did humans change from being hunter-gatherers to skilled artisans ?