- 志贺毒素如此厉害的一个原因,是它具有避开细胞防御系统的能力。
- One reason shiga toxin is so potent is its ability to dodge cellular defenses .
- 市面上流通的非法产品多数都含有肉毒毒素,但是成分配比却千差万别。
- Often the bootleg products on the market contain some of the toxin , but in widely varying amounts .
- 两个星期后,毒素杀死了白鼠脊髓内约百分之八十包含此基因的细胞。
- Over about two weeks , the toxin killed about 80 percent of the cells that harbored that gene .
- 每种药品都可能会延长生命。
- Each drug potentially added life .
- 一场全新的药品战争正悄然开始。
- A new kind of drug war is brewing .
- 微笑是一种天然的药物。
- Smiling is a natural drug .
- 麻醉剂毒品的非法交易就是一个很好的例子。
- A good example of this is narcotics trafficking .
- 关于麻醉剂的滥用,想必医生们已经颇为了解了,但他们中的大多数人对于止疼药物的控制措施可能还是一无所知。
- Doctors may be flooding the country with narcotics but most have never learned much about pain control .
- 如果它们探测到爆炸物或麻醉剂,它们都会伸出舌头,向操作员报警。
- If they detect explosives or narcotics they all stick out their tongues , sending an alarm to