- 对于长期生活在一个地方的鲸鱼们来说,它们基本上是母系社会,雌鲸是社会结构里的中坚力量。
- In resident-type whales , they 're basically matriarchal societies , where the females are the center of the social structures .
- 母系氏族的雌性大象,生活在一起,由一个母亲和长大成人的女儿以及它们的后代的所有成员所组成。
- Female elephants live together in a matriarchal clan , consisting of a mother with her grown-up daughters and all of their offspring .
- 鲸的社会由母系占主导,它们甚至有文化感,可以将信息代代相传。
- Their society is predominantly matriarchal . They even have a sense of culture , passing information from one generation to the next .