- 如果你可以让母牛和老虎结合的话会怎么样?
- What if you could combine a cow and a tiger ?
- 奶牛造型的通用瓶盖,适用于绝大多数标准的塑料牛奶盅。
- Cow inspired universal cap fits most standard plastic milk jugs .
- 一个新闻记者曾经在文章中称我为“母牛”。
- A newspaper journalist once called me a " cow " in print .
- 不要一副专横或轻视的口吻。
- Try to avoid a bossy or dismissive tone .
- angelamerkel是专横的皇太后。
- Angela merkel was the bossy dowager .
- 一些分析人士认为这种态度有点过于专横了。
- Some analysts believe that may have been an overly bossy assessment .