- 生出活的(活跃的,自由游泳的)幼鱼,而不是产卵;产生来自母鱼身体之内的活的幼鱼。
- Viviparous bringing forth living ( active , free-swimming ) young , rather than laying eggs ; producing live young from within the body of the parent female .
- 生出活的(活跃的,自由游泳的)幼鱼,而不是产卵;产生来自母鱼身体之内的活的幼鱼。
- Viviparous bringing forth living ( active , free-swimming ) young , rather than laying eggs ; producing live young from within the body of the parent female .
- 印度声称这个组织是在有争议的克什米尔地区对抗印度统治的恐怖组织的幕后操纵者。
- India contends jamaat is the parent body of the terror group known for fighting indian rule in the disputed kashmir region .
- 甚至连人口都无关紧要。
- Even its population is irrelevant .
- 如果种群原来存有500个变异,那么499种就得消亡。
- If 500 variants exist in a population , 499 of them will disappear .
- 孟加拉虎种群数量的剧减是由于它们居住的栖息地的萎缩和食物减少所致。
- Bangladesh 's tiger population has plummeted because of a shrinking habitat and dwindling food supplies .