- 或许这种影响很快就会显现。
- Perhaps that will emerge soon .
- 我们有自由的意志吗?
- Do we have free will ?
- 而且这个网站很快就会上线。
- The site will be launching soon .
- 方法之二就是着眼于个人意志力方面。
- A second answer involves willpower .
- 培养意志力可能成为你通往成功的捷径。
- Cultivating willpower may be your quickest route to success .
- 她真的缺乏实现目标的意志力吗?
- Is she lacking in willpower to achieve her goals ?
- 勇气则是一个更棘手的问题。
- The guts are a trickier matter .
- 当然,真正做出这种转变需要很大的勇气。
- But it takes guts to actually make the change .
- 我感觉受缚的胸腔里有股燃烧着的胆量。
- I can feel my tender burning guts smoulder inside my gasping caged chest .
- 而阿科尔森是否具备这个行业所需的毅力,目前还不得而知。
- We have yet to find out if mr akerson has stamina enough for the industry .
- 任何节目都可能演变为对人们智慧和耐力的吸引人的考验。
- Just about anything can be turned into a gripping test of wits or stamina .
- rae认为作为一名校长,毅力是取得成功的关键,他总是充满了非凡的精力。
- Rae considered stamina to be the key to success as a headmaster and he possessed remarkable energy .