- 问题在于枢纽的运量。
- The problem is hub capacity .
- 但是,新的制造中心也会产生全球影响。
- But the new hub has global significance .
- heathrow是一个让人打嗝的枢纽。
- Heathrow is the hub that makes you blub .
- 这种想法很傻很天真。
- This sort of thinking is nave .
- 我们不应对主权财富基金可能带来的风险过于天真。
- We should not be nave about the potential risks that swfs pose .
- 这是布里奇曼以前在参观欧洲大教堂时的一个把戏;他在棱角分明的中殿走来走去,并把这种运动转化为深度。
- It 's a trick bridgeman used as he toured the cathedrals of europe ; walking up and down the aisles he viewed the jutting contours of the nave , converting his own motion into a sense of depth .
- 古罗马大学者西塞罗和希腊诗人品达都提到过命运之轮。
- Roman scholar cicero and the greek poet pindar both reference the wheel of fortune .
- 你就如同一个被放在轮子里的仓鼠一样。
- You 'll end up like a hamster on a never-ending wheel .
- 陀螺就是一个可以自由旋转的转动着的轮子。
- A gyroscope is just a spinning wheel that is free to rotate .