- 我携着三个孩子在屋后草场中嬉戏着的时候,夕阳正烧着海上的天壁,眉痕的新月已经出现在鲜红的云缝里了。
- While my three kids , accompanied by myself , were frolicking about on the meadow behind our house , the sky above the distant edge of the sea was aglow with the setting sun and the crescent new moon was already peeping out from behind the scarlet clouds .
- 夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富裕人家窗上一样光亮:在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。
- The setting sun is reflected from windows of the alms - house as brightly a from the rich man 's abode ; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring .
- 野蛮人同时也在学习着。在仲冬一个寒冷的午后,一支代表团来到我面前。
- In time the barbarians learned too , and so it was that a deputation came to me one cold midwinter day , between noon and the setting of the sun .