- 文章描述了一个由残疾人组成的团体如何从安徽邻省驱车前去探望陈,却被看守拦在村子外面的事件。
- It described how one group of disabled people drove from the neighbouring province of anhui , only to be stopped at the village by guards .
- 几乎没有人会想到伊斯兰教慈善团体会向残疾人士提供关于性方面的讲习班以及改善性生活的方法。
- Few would expect an islamic charity to offer workshops on sexuality and ways for disabled people to improve their sex lives .
- 管理和支持为年长者和残疾人,学生,年轻人以及小学生安排的复杂的特许的票价。
- Administer and support a comprehensive concessionary fare scheme for the elderly and disabled people , students , young people and schoolchildren .