- 结论:晚期踝关节和晚期髋关节疾病所导致的心理和生理方面疾患的严重程度至少是无差异的。
- Conclusions : the mental and physical disability associated with end-stage ankle arthrosis is at least as severe as that associated with end-stage hip arthrosis .
- 如该兄弟或姊妹已年满25岁,你供养他是因为他身体上或精神上的无能力而不能工作。
- Your brother , if over 25 years of age , was by reason of physical and mental disability , incapacitated for work .
- 田纳西·威廉姆斯的《玻璃动物园》里的劳拉·温费尔德由于身体残疾而产生了严重的自卑情结。
- In Tennessee Williams\'Glass Menagerie , Laura Wingfield suffers severe inferiority complex caused by her physical disability .
- 天生的嘴唇畸形致使他说话带有鼻音,耳语般几乎听不大清。
- A congenital lip deformity caused him to speak in a nasal almost unintelligible whisper .
- 他天生面部畸形,而且总是被继父说得多么多么可怕。
- Was born with a facial deformity and was constantly told by his step father how hideous he was .
- 现在,医生为第四例手术辩护说,病人极度畸形的面部是她无法进行正常的社会生活。
- Today doctors justified the fourth , arguing that the recipient could not function in society with such an extreme deformity .