- 这是第一次对扁桃腺受伤的人进行研究,并发现这一损伤会导致恐惧感缺失。
- It 's the first human study to show that amygdala damage can wipe out fearful feeling , they say .
- 环境组织则称bt茄子或许在异体授粉的过程中破坏了数千种土生的茄子品种。
- Environmental groups claimed bt brinjal might , through cross-pollination , wipe out thousands of indigenous brinjal varieties .
- 里约州长卡布拉尔表示,不会因此停止在贫民窟中清剿毒贩的行动。
- Rio governor , cabral said , will not wipe out drug traffickers in the slums to stop the action .
- 于是,他/她发起一场毕生的战斗,以歼灭这些信仰。
- He / she then launches a life-long battle to annihilate these faiths .
- 许多塞尔维亚人认为前南斯拉夫的穆斯林教徒想消灭他们。
- Many serbs were convinced that the muslims of ex-yugoslavia were out to annihilate them .
- 正电子和电子(粒子和反粒子)在对撞中会发生湮灭,并产生电磁辐射。
- Positron and electron ( particle and anti-particle ) can annihilate in collision turning into electromagnetic radiation .
- 他们称这会导致全球性的问题,从而毁掉整个世界。
- They say this will cause global problems that will destroy the world .
- 我将要毁掉android,因为他是个剽窃的产品。
- I 'm going to destroy android , because it 's a stolen product .
- 巴西发展农业不需要砍掉亚马逊的树或是毁掉剩余的热带稀树草原。
- Brazil need not chop down the amazon or destroy the remaining savannahs to expand its agriculture .