- 专家们还坚称,釜石防波堤并非完全没有起到作用。
- Experts also insist that the kamaishi breakwater was not a complete failure .
- 然而,美国的所有努力已经彻底失败,毫无疑问地证明华盛顿没有担任有效而公允的调停人的能力。
- Yet its efforts have been a complete failure , proving beyond doubt that washington is incapable of acting as an effective and evenhanded mediator .
- 2002年《南海各方行为宣言》十多年后完全无法操作,缺乏起实际作用的热线安排和海事条约都突显了这个问题。
- The complete failure to operationalize the 2002 declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea after more than a decade , the paucity of real working hot-line arrangements and incidents at sea agreements all illustrate the problem .