- 手法整复塑形夹板固定配合跟骨牵引治疗胫骨平台骨折。
- Treatment of fractures of tibial plateau by bone setting manipulation , shapeable splint fixation and calcaneus traction .
- 我对这个世界的理解有种令人不适的转变,就好像组成我大脑的构造版块在一阵震动后,又归于了平静与稳定,又好像是接骨,疼了那么一下,然后感觉有些东西总算是归了位。
- There was an uncomfortable shift in my understanding of the world , like a jarring of my mental tectonic plates , followed by a feeling of calmness and certainty . Like the setting a broken bone , it hurt for a minute , but in the end it felt like something had been made right .
- 腰肌劳损;手法治疗;正骨推拿;关节错位。
- Lumbar muscle strain ; manipulation treatment ; bone setting naprapathy ; joint dislocation .
- 尺骨近端解剖特点与锁定解剖钢板治疗粉碎性骨折临床分析。
- Anatomy of proximal ulna and clinic analysis of comminuted fracture treated with locking anatomic plate .
- 血小板浓缩液的制备及促进兔尺骨骨折愈合方面的实验研究。
- Experimental study on the preparation of blood platelet concentrate and its promotion to fracture healing of rabbit ulna .
- 尺骨和桡骨下端同时骨折。
- Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius .
- 传统整脊八法的适应症和禁忌症。
- Indications and contraindications of eight methods of traditional chiropractic .
- 脊椎治疗和骨疗法也很受欢迎关节炎的另类疗法。
- Chiropractic and osteopathy are also popular arthritis alternative medicine .
- 传统的直道:这是典型的旧办法,脊椎治疗.
- Traditional straights : this is the old classic approach to chiropractic .