- 11月底,这种武器按期运到了。
- By late november the weapons had arrived on schedule .
- 不过欧元区的决策者们应当问问自己:希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙是否真的能做好外界希望它们做的每一件事,按期偿还每一分钱的借款?
- But eurozone policymakers should ask themselves : can greece ireland and portugal do everything expected of them and pay back every cent of their borrowings on schedule ?
- 但由于开发商用这些资金购地之后未能按时完工,很多投资变成坏账。
- But many of those investments soured as developers used the money to buy land while failing to finish construction of projects on schedule .
- 下一年度的预算不可能按时获得通过。
- Next year 's budget may not be passed on time .
- 尽管交通堵塞,他仍然准时到达这里。
- Despite the traffic jam he arrived here on time .
- digitalproject的参数化模型使基本的再设计能在一周内完成,体育馆如期完工。
- Parametric modeling in digital project enabled basic redesign in a matter of weeks and the stadium was completed on time .
- t-mobile最终在中午才关闭了我的连接。
- T-mobile finally canned my connectivity at noon .
- 之后来自太阳的热量在每个月球中午将这些水蒸发。
- Heat from the sun could then vaporize the water each lunar noon .
- laughlin通常在中午开始记录,到后半夜才结束。
- Laughlin would begin recording at noon and finish after midnight .
- 在这种情况下,试图让你朋友转向准时的均衡状态,似乎是有吸引力的。
- In this sort of situation it 's tempting to try to get your friend to shift to the punctuality equilibrium .
- 在整个日本,这场事故已经引起许多人反省日本对于准时和效率的关注,有些人会说,这干脆是一种痴迷。
- Across the country , the accident has already caused much soul-searching over japan 's attention to - some would say obsession with - punctuality and efficiency .
- 可靠性和准时性变得更为重要。
- Reliability and punctuality have become more important .