- 2009年,鹿腿为其位于柏林顿花园庞大艺术空间的租用支付了两百万英镑的预付定金。
- In 2009 haunch paid a 2m down payment for the three-year lease of its grand burlington gardens space .
- 不过mia那个宏伟而又令人生畏的入口(构想中的)并不欢迎从巴基斯坦或南亚的其他国家迁居至卡塔尔的工人。
- The mia , with its grand , forbidding approach ( pictured ) , is not welcoming to the tens of thousands of migrant workers who flock to qatar from pakistan and other parts of south asia .
- 当有着辉煌历史的个人信件差点消亡了时,没有必要且昂贵的彩卡却继续留传了下来。
- While the personal letter , with its grand history , has all but died , the frippery of the colourful card lives on .