- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?
- 这是一个时代的终结吗?
- Is this the end of an era ?
- 我该结束这一切吗?
- Should I end this now ?
- 监管改革无法以激励结束。
- Regulatory reform cannot end with incentives .
- 每天阅读一下幽默故事并删掉那些令你想起你的现实生活的片断,把这些故事张贴在公告板上,冰箱上或者你可经常看到的任何地方.
- Read the comics every day and cut out the ones that remind you of your life . Post them on a bulletin board or the refrigerator or anywhere else you can see them frequently .
- 将一切非必需的东西删去,你才能提炼出更有意义的故事。
- Cut out everything that 's not necessary and you 've got a more meaningful story .
- 首先,删除背景中的旧脑袋,这样我们能更好地在新脑袋上作调整。
- First off cut out the background head so we can work on our new one .
- 双方得票应该非常接近。
- The vote should be close .
- 这么近,但又那么远。
- So close but so far away .
- 美国也在密切关注这次大选。
- The us is also paying close attention .
- 现在只有一个办法。
- There is only one answer .
- 改革仍只是局部的。
- The reform remains only partial .
- 唯一的问题是开销。
- The only issue is cost .