- 估计粥店是不可能开了。
- Estimate gruel store is impossible to open .
- 其中一个人递给她一碗稀粥,告诉她:“这是你死前最后一顿饭。”
- One of them handed her a bowl of gruel . " This , " he informed her , " will be your last meal . "
- 吃早饭时,做稀粥是很方便的。
- Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast .
- 你们今天供应的汤是什么?
- What 's the soup of the day ?
- 我满嘴都是汤,只能点点头。
- I nod , my mouth full of soup .
- 平均每条鲨鱼只能加工出大约10碗鱼翅汤。
- The average shark stretches to about 10 bowls of soup .
- 但假如他们决定呷上一口,我们希望他们会写下心得评述。
- But if they do decide to take a sip , let us hope they post a review .
- 节约就是降低我们的期望值,节约也就是学会:与其从大杯中狼吞虎咽地喝,不如从小杯子里呷一口,并且享受其中!
- Frugality and thrift are about lowering our expectations , about learning to sip from a small cup - and enjoy it !
- 很多人都希望开创自己的网上被动业务,拥有被动收入,我们可以周游世界,在海滩上惬意地呷着饮料,最大限度地享受生活。
- We all want to create a passive online business that allows us to travel the world , sip drinks on the beach and enjoy life to its fullest .