- 我们那些快乐时光分享彼此幸福感伤,我们一起出发开放生命之花,伴随欢笑和温暖,为我展开心怀,你还在漂泊吗?
- Our happy hours share each other happily sad , we embark together flower of the opening life , the concomitance laugh heartily with warm , launches the intention for me , you are also drifting ?
- 你如果乐观,世界也会陪你欢笑。
- Laugh , and the world will laugh heartily with you .
- 宽大的平壤杂技剧院内,上千名朝鲜儿童和我们一起观看,掌声和欢笑声混在一起,将游客心里所沉积的云翳一扫而光。
- In the spacious acrobatics theater of pyongyang , thousands of korean children watch with us , applause and laugh heartily one mix , at visitor heart cloud depositted tie up and cleared off .