- 洁面后,使用营养丰富的晚霜,例如檀香木或薰衣草。
- After cleansing , use a rich moisturising night cream or oil such as sandalwood or lavender .
- 店里有股檀香般的气味,我一进去门口的铃就响了。
- The shop smelled of sandalwood incense . The bell attached to the door rang as soon as I entered .
- “上下”也销售一些服装,但最著名的产品是手工艺家居用品,包括印度檀香木桌和外加一层竹编的陶瓷茶杯。
- Shang xia sells some clothing but is best known for its artisanal housewares , which include indian sandalwood tables and porcelain teacups wrapped in bamboo .