- 木乃伊和装有脏器的罐子会用类似雪橇的工具从制作间运送到墓穴中。
- The mummy and its canopic jars were transported by sled from the embalming tent to the tomb .
- 但是你那年给我的灵活的雪橇,我从没忘记。
- But you brought me that flexible flyer sled that year . I never forgot .
- 这是汽车,直升飞机和雪橇的综合体,叫做雪地汽车。
- It 's a hybrid of a bus , a helicopter and bjoerndalen called a motor sled .
- 他忍受了叮咬,和北极熊为伍,强忍着身体的极限拉着他满载物资的雪橇走过崎岖不平的冰路。
- He suffered frostbite , had a close encounter with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit , hauling his supply-laden sledge up and over jagged ice ridges .
- 海洋科学家沿着海底拖曳装有摄录机的雪橇,并计算了孔洞数量(维护良好的洞穴是快乐大虾的标志),测量出其蕴藏丰富。
- Marine scientists measure its abundance by dragging a sledge equipped with video cameras along the seabed and counting the number of holes ( a well-maintained burrow being the sign of a happy prawn ) .
- 于是,他们没穿滑雪板拉雪橇走了24公里。
- So they pulled their sledge twenty-four kilometres without skis .
- 我们不能确定圣诞老人的职业会把他的人寿保险保费升到多高,但我们猜想在各种天气里驾驶着雪橇穿过黑夜的活会在保险公司办公室里多加几个红旗警示。
- We can 't say for sure how much santa 's job would drive up his life insurance premiums , but we imagine piloting a sleigh in the dark of night in all kinds of weather is bound to raise some red flags at the life insurance company offices .
- 好,那这样好了:下次学校上课的时候,你坐着你的雪橇路过那里而不进去,之后你来我这里,得到你应得的。
- Good , then understand this : next time you let your sleigh carry you past the school when you ought to be inside at your lessons , come on to me afterwards and receive what you deserve .
- 小孩子们相信:在圣诞节的前一夜,圣诞老人乘坐驯鹿拉的雪橇从空中而来,他从壁炉的烟囱进入到每家每户,他把给孩子们的圣诞礼物放在圣诞树下。
- They believe that -- on the night before christmas -- he travels through the air in a sleigh pulled by reindeer . He enters each house from the top by sliding down the hole in the fireplace . He leaves gifts for the children under the christmas tree .
- 经证明,对于那些常常不吃饭的人们,他们的代谢模式会有可能变得像云霄飞车一般。
- People who regularly skip meals have been proven to risk inviting a roller coaster metabolic pattern .
- 这个耗资750万的过山车在1989年开放,仅仅一年就收回了投资。
- The $ 7.5 million coaster opened in 1989 and paid for itself in one year .
- 现代人能体验乘坐各种云霄飞车的滋味。
- People today can experience all kinds of roller coaster rides .