- 内幕交易的定义仍然是模糊的。
- The definition of insider trading remains fuzzy .
- 想法上的模糊会导致行动上的犹豫。
- Fuzzy thinking leads to hesitancy in acting .
- 所以就需要引入一些模糊数学了。
- So some fuzzy math is required .
- 但这只是含糊的说法。
- But this remains vague talk .
- 含糊不清的承诺是不可行的。
- Vague promises will not work .
- 但细节方面还很模糊。
- But the details are vague .
- 正常和异常的精神健康状况的界限常常很模糊。
- The line between normal and abnormal mental health is often blurred .
- 这种鲜明的界限自金融危机爆发后变得模糊了。
- The sharp lines of that bargain have blurred since the financial crisis .
- 模糊的股权结构损害公司的财务,管理结构和远期规划。
- Blurred ownership distorts finance , management structure and long-term planning .
- 我们的记忆(以及我们的蜂群思维)是以同样模糊而偶然的方式创造出来的。
- Our memories ( and our hive minds ) are created in the same indistinct , haphazard way .
- 而大叙利亚的天然国家则更像是一系列更加模糊的城邦,比如腓尼基、阿勒颇、大马士革和耶路撒冷。
- The natural state of greater syria beyond the constellation of city-states like phoenicia , aleppo , damascus , and jerusalem is more indistinct still .
- 从地球来看月球、它却散发着苍白和模糊的颜色,淹没在太空的蓝色光芒之中。
- From the earth , the moon shines pale and indistinct , being flooded with blue light from the sky .