- 但这只是含糊的说法。
- But this remains vague talk .
- 含糊不清的承诺是不可行的。
- Vague promises will not work .
- 但细节方面还很模糊。
- But the details are vague .
- 2012年12月6日湖北武汉,一个朦胧的日子,冒烟的烟囱和煤燃烧工厂的冷却塔位于发电搭旁边。
- Smoking chimneys and the cooling tower of a coal-burning plant stand next to electric pylons on a hazy day in wuhan , hubei province , dec. 6 , 2012 .
- 上了塔,到了一颓败的旋转餐厅,那里我对着朦胧地天空的轮廓,拍了照片。
- Up a tower to a defunct revolving restaurant , where I snapped photos of the hazy skyline .
- 政府大楼走廊的尽头看起来有些朦胧。
- In one government building the far end of the corridor seems hazy .
- 这世上所有的慈善活动目的在于较大的缓解贫困,但是他们所表现出的是比彻底放弃更为可怕与无法理解。
- All the charitable endeavors in this world only manage to bring poverty into greater relief ; they show it to be more terrible and unintelligible than utter dereliction .
- 但由于这些作品不易被理解,学生往往弹得敷衍了事且演奏效果不佳,故如何把握巴赫作品的音乐思想及内涵,准确地弹奏出这些作品已成为钢琴教学中亟待解决的问题。
- However , these works are so unintelligible that a lot of students meddle through them . So , how to grasp the connotation in bach 's works and play then perfectly has become an urgent problem we must resolve .
- 他用她听不懂的话来回答。
- He answered in words unintelligible to her .
- 正常和异常的精神健康状况的界限常常很模糊。
- The line between normal and abnormal mental health is often blurred .
- 这种鲜明的界限自金融危机爆发后变得模糊了。
- The sharp lines of that bargain have blurred since the financial crisis .
- 模糊的股权结构损害公司的财务,管理结构和远期规划。
- Blurred ownership distorts finance , management structure and long-term planning .