- 我们舒适的蜷卧在沙发上。
- We were curled up on the couch .
- 睡在沙发上会让你背痛。
- Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt .
- 我们离开沙发,四处活动起来。
- We were off the couch moving around .
- 他们在你的躺椅上放炸弹?
- They put a bomb in your daybed ?
- 伯纳姆说:「不如投资买两张单人床或就买一张单人床。」等孩子换睡双人床或大号床时,这张单人床也许可以变成坐卧两用长沙发。
- " If you invest in a couple of really nice twin beds , or just one twin bed , " burnham says , you can probably turn that bed into a daybed once the child moves on to a full - or queen-size bed .
- 零售商开始穿越整个国家,携带着她们的各种各样的床上用品以及不同尺寸的产品,并且在我们知道这些之前,它已经成为了一个很成熟的商业体系了。
- Retail stores across the country began carrying our bedding in all sizes ( crib & cradle , toddler , daybed , twin , full , queen and king ) , and before we knew it was a full-fledged business !