- 尽管如此,食品价格持续增长的可能性依然不能准确地估算。
- Nevertheless the probability of continued increases in food prices cannot be reckoned slight .
- 而多学一些概率和统计学会对学生更用好处。
- Students would be better served by learning more about probability and statistics .
- 男性在几何,概率统计方面显示出微弱优势。
- Men show a slight advantage in geometry , probability and statistics .
- 我们都梦想成真,也不曾错过我们生命中的机遇。
- Our dream come true . Our chance of a lifetime .
- 机遇加上好的点子诠释了大部分成功公司的诞生。
- Chance encounters and good ideas explain the birth of most successful companies .
- 这个令默多克丢面子的事件给英国带来了一个打造更健康政治的机遇。
- The humbling of mr murdoch bequeaths britain the chance of a healthier politics .