- 扩张性和优雅的私人别墅巴厘等待你的-有独立睡觉,洗澡和生活馆和跳水池,从你的美丽景色。
- An expansive and elegant private balinese villa awaits you with separate sleeping , bathing and living pavilions and beautiful views from your plunge pool .
- 圆明园是由乾隆皇帝于18世纪中叶修建的,是一个巨大的休养胜地,坐落着大量迷人的花园、湖泊和亭台楼阁。
- Built by the qianlong emperor in the mid-18th century , the old summer palace was a vast playground of enchanting gardens , lakes and pavilions .
- 举办世博会,豪华的场馆以及对未来的展示,上海很难掩饰住自己满腔的自豪。
- Hosting the world expo with grand pavilions and futuristic displays , shanghai can barely contain its brimming pride .