- 真是这个小屋在福岛县爆炸了。
- It 's the shed that exploded today at fukushima .
- 伦敦交通局里面没有人会掉眼泪。
- Few at tfl will shed any tears .
- 过了一段时间,姑妈注意到康拉丁总是去小屋。
- After a time the aunt noticed conradin 's visits to the shed .
- 在满布野草的土地上的锡棚屋中的看守人暗示着博物馆已不对外开放,而我也该离开了。
- A caretaker in a tin shack on the overgrown grounds indicated that the museum was closed and that I should leave .
- 他起初坚持拥有窝棚的所有权,并卷入到法律官司当中,但现在已经撤回了有关申请。
- He initially submitted a claim for ownership of the shack and became entangled in a legal battle but has now withdrawn the claim .
- 乔其本人亲自照看着简陋的棚屋,餐馆里没有多余的装饰,只在一面墙上画了一条美人鱼。
- George himself was overseeing the no-frills shack , decorated with nothing but a wall painting of the little mermaid .
- 选民想要能躲避金融风暴的避难所。
- The voters want shelter from the storms .
- 一家人自愿去避难所照顾无家可归的人。
- Volunteer as a family at a homeless shelter .
- 上述三位塔利班领袖均支持基地组织并为之提供庇护。
- These three pakistani taliban leaders support and shelter al qaeda .
- 修正了在合作模式中当重生为幽灵时消失的问题。
- Disappears when spawning into ai ghost in coop .
- 瑞士两大食品零售商migros-genossenschafts-bund和coopschweiz周四说,它们正在考虑上调含小麦的食品价格。
- Switzerland 's two largest food retailers-migros-genossenschafts-bund and coop schweiz-said thursday they are considering price increases for products that contain wheat .
- 我想是杰夫让库柏瘫痪的.
- I think geoff johns paralyzed coop .