- 技术转让也将是棘手的问题。
- Technology transfer will also be a thorny issue .
- 军事法庭新的审理过程将可能引发棘手问题。
- The new proceeding will likely raise thorny issues .
- 双重国籍向来是个棘手问题。
- Dual citizenship is a thorny issue .
- 对于任何声称占领道德高地的公司来说,广告销售方面的决策总是相当棘手。
- For any company claiming the ethical high ground , decisions about advertising sales were always going to be knotty .
- 因此,为了降低风险和解决极其棘手的问题所需要的更多时间,(航天发射的)时间表是不固定的而且重要的事件经常被推迟。
- Thus , timetables are fluid and major events often pushed back , allowing more time for risk-reduction or solving a particularly knotty problem .
- 他特别喜欢坐在屋外的凉廊里(肯尼迪总统在这里起草了就职演说稿),一边眺望大海,一边思考工作中的棘手问题。
- He especially likes to unravel knotty work problems while seated in the mansion 's outdoor loggia , where president kennedy crafted his inaugural speech and overlooking the sea .
- 最麻烦的并非物的问题,而是人的因素。
- The most troublesome issues may concern people rather than objects .
- 而关于移民和堕胎的争论更是件十分麻烦的事。
- However , arguments connected to immigration and abortion remain troublesome .
- 政治化,当其要向国外扩展时尤其是个麻烦。
- This politicisation is particularly troublesome when it comes to expanding abroad .