- 在尝试了做各式甜饼(竞争很激烈)后,她把她的食品供应削减成两种:华丽的褐色肉馅卷饼和可爱诱人的“泡泡蛋糕”,像高尔夫球大小的圆蛋糕,串在棒棒糖棍子上。
- After experimenting with cookies ( too much competition ) , she has pared her offerings down to two : gorgeously browned empanadas and irresistibly twee " cake pops , " golf-ball-size rounds of cake perched on lollipop sticks .
- 阿斯塔纳有中央音乐厅,从高处看下来这个音乐厅像是一朵含苞欲放的鲜花,有飞碟形状的马戏馆,有仿造白宫的总统宫,还有高达100米的巴依杰列克观景塔,有人把它比作一支巨大的棒棒糖。
- There 's also the central concert hall , which from above looks like a budding flower , a flying saucer-shape circus , a presidential palace designed to replicate the white house , and baiterek , a 100-meter-tall tower that has drawn comparisons to a giant lollipop .
- 如果你要做巧克力棒棒糖,别忘了还要买些棒棒糖棍哟。
- If you 'll be making chocolate lollipops , remember to buy some lollipop sticks as well .
- 那棒棒糖不仅是个美丽的礼物,还是我继续活下去的勇气和信心!
- The lollypop is not only a pretty gift , but also the courage and confidence to make me live longer !
- 他对两个雇员非常好,他很爱孩子,我到他的店时,他时不时会给我一块焦糖、薄荷糖或是棒棒糖什麽的,嘴�还说著“这是给全纽约最甜美的小姑娘的糖”。
- He loved children.He always favored me with a piece of caramel , mint , or lollypop when I came to his store .
- 雄性小鳍镖鲈沿背鳍顶部生有膨大的明黄色小疙瘩,估计这是模仿卵的样子来诱导雌性产卵。
- Male lollypop darters have knobs along the top of their dorsal fin that swell large and bright yellow & presumably to mimic eggs and inspire females to lay some .
- 他在候诊室放了棒棒糖。
- Lollipops in the waiting room .
- 我想我还能从他这得到些棒棒糖。
- I think I can get some lollipops out of him .
- 她八岁的大厅里游荡结业有机棒棒糖。
- Her eight-year old roamed the halls passing out organic lollipops .