- 哪个你能坚持的更久?
- Which do you stick with longer ?
- 用硬包装纸管做一根雨棒。
- Make a rain stick with a cardboard wrapping paper tube .
- 与众不同的闪存记忆棒,设计成看上去就像一根巧克力棒的样子。
- Unusual flash memory stick designed to look like a chocolate bar .
- 他们让这个翼状杆落入盛有水的烧杯中,并用激光束从底部击中它。
- They plopped this rod into a beaker of water and hit it with a laser beam from below .
- 发现翼形杆向上移动并移到一边-视觉上飞翔的迹象。
- And found that the rod moved upward and to the side-a sign of optical lift .
- 一个更新的轴传动装置代替传动杆链条和内啮合齿轮系统为城市骑手提供完美的座驾。
- An updated shaft drive - which replaces the chain with a rod and internal gear system - would be perfect for urban riders .
- 我是个男的,绞尽脑汁写这些东西,我真**的累!
- I am male , cudgel one 's brains for writes these things , I am true of * * tired !
- 有一次,一个学生在苦思冥想中偷偷摸出一支烟点燃,正好给他看见了。
- Once , a student feels a smoke to ignite secretly in cudgel one 's brains , as it happens saw to him .
- 1986年参加江苏省武术比赛棍术冠军。
- Jiangsu province in 1986 , participated in martial arts competitions cudgel title .
- 他是个狡诈的老流氓。
- He 's a canny old rascal .
- 也正是在这一阶段我的莽撞无赖的倾向发挥到极致。
- It was at this stage that my foolish rascal tendencies were at their highest .
- 我宁可丢掉工作也不愿为一个流氓干活。
- I 'd rather give up the job than work for that rascal .