- 棉纱线罗口袜横向延伸值及公差(单位为厘米)
- Coursewi extension and tolerance of cotton yarn rib top hosiery ( unit : cm )
- 黄红麻收购加工销售棉纱棉坯布聚丙烯编织袋砖瓦钢芯铝绞线瓦楞纸箱鲜蛋再制蛋农业机械销售水稻棉花种籽及杂交种籽销售。
- Huang kenaf acquisition processing and sales of cotton fabric cotton yarn woven polypropylene corrugated box brick acsr reproduce eggs egg farm machinery sales of rice seeds and hybrid cotton seed sales .
- 然而,及至1914年,在购买自动化棉纺织机械后,这个国家把自己生产的一半纺织产品销往海外,这相当于全世界棉纺织产品出口总额的四分之一。
- By 1914 , however , after buying automated cotton spinners , the country sold half of its yarn production abroad , which accounted for one-quarter of the world 's cotton yarn exports .