- 新买的晚礼服长裙突然像一个老洗出感觉,似乎我的头发凌乱和肮脏的黄色。
- The newly bought evening dress suddenly felt like an old wash out gown my hair seemed messy and dirty yellow .
- 5给宠物洗澡和打扮时让孩子在一旁帮助。
- 5 Let your child assist you with bathing and grooming your pet .
- wholeman创建者鲍勃阿格(bobager)也认为,男性修饰市场正在上升期。
- Bob ager , the founder of wholeman , agrees that the men 's grooming market is on the rise .
- 曾被《哈佛商业评论》(harvardbusinessreview)援引过的一份研究报告发现,女性打扮时间的增多与其收入降低有关。
- A study cited in the harvard business review found that for women , an increase in personal grooming time is associated with lower earnings .