- 宠物刷,宠物梳,宠物耙梳,宠物美容剪,宠物指甲剪,马具。
- Pet brush , pet comb , pet rake comb , pet scissor , pet nail clipper , horse grooming .
- 工人们把羊毛放在梳理机上,梳齿和气流围绕着专用滚筒旋转。
- They manually put wool into the hackle that combs and winds it round on special reels .
- 机器学习是计算机科学的一个分支,通过梳理数据库,从而对未来做出预测。
- Machine learning is a branch of computer science that combs through data sets to make predictions about the future .
- 梳球织网蜘蛛有一个特殊的组织,用它来梳理从吐丝器中吐出的丝。
- Hackled orb weavers have a special structure that combs the silk as they draw it out of their spinnerets .