- 你已经提醒过他用梯子了。
- You had warned him to use the ladder .
- 处于经济阶梯最底部人群的家庭收入下滑最为严重。
- The decline is sharpest at the bottom of the economic ladder .
- 她开始上梯子,爬上爬下地递着稻草。
- She started to go up and down the ladder , carrying the straw .
- 你会选择楼梯,还是滑梯呢?
- Would you take the stairs or the slide ?
- 我这副老骨头还是能顺利下楼梯的!
- I can still manage stairs even with my hip !
- 你决定将车停得远点并且爬楼梯。
- You decide to park farther away and take the stairs .
- 一组便衣警察爬上了通向房屋入口的铝制楼梯。
- A team of plainclothes officers scaled the aluminum staircase leading to the entrance .
- 通往自动扶梯的过道与莫斯科地铁站的相比实在是太狭窄了。
- The corridor that leads to the moving staircase is very narrow as compared to the one in moscow .
- 主旋转楼梯像一条螺旋上升的缎带将空间引向顶楼。
- The main spiral staircase depicts a rhythmic ribbon that ascends to attic space .
- 没有声息,就听不到任何人脚步的回音。
- Soundless , not echoing anyone 's steps .
- 迈着沉重的步子,她走向厨房。
- She walked with heavy steps towards the kitchen .
- 你可以走上这些台阶。
- You can walk up the steps .