- 尽管,他发表了严正的声明,他的顽固倔强仿佛已经毁掉了和平对话。
- And his stubbornness seems to have undone the peace talks , despite his protestations .
- 高大、瘦削、率直又坚定她在世人眼里散发着以色列精神冷酷又倔强的一面。
- Tall , gaunt , blunt and determined , to the world she embodied the steely stubbornness of the israeli spirit .
- 在这个主题上印度用野蛮的政治和其农民极端、甚至是毁灭性的贫穷境况表达了他的倔强。
- Its stubbornness is explained by the ferocity of india 's politics on this subject and the desperate , even suicidal , poverty of many of its farmers .