- 警方与示威者之间的冲突令奥克兰市长关丽珍(jeanquan)的政治地位受到了影响。
- Clashes with demonstrators have damaged the political standing of oakland mayor jean quan .
- 支持这项计划的基金是由时尚界的高级经理人全莉女士于2000年创立。
- The foundation behind it was established in 2000 by the fashion executive li quan .
- 奥克兰市长关丽珍(jeanquan)向bbc表示,美国18个发生“占领”运动的城市的市长已经商讨了对策。
- Jean quan , mayor of oakland , told the bbc that the leaders of 18 us cities targeted by the " occupy " movement had discussed how to respond .