- 尽管编码错误确实会发生,但如此严重的错误还没有记录。
- While coding errors do occur there is no record of one being so significant .
- 警方还称,全某与张紫妍之间并没有通信记录,也没有其他任何证据表明二人相识。
- Police also said there is no record of correspondence between the mr. jeon and ms. jang , nor any other evidence that they knew each other .
- 奥斯特勒接下来写道,虽然汉语在中非贸易中可能会用得越来越多,但在一个国家未晋身“帝国”之际,其语言成为全球通用语的情况尚未有所闻。
- Mr ostler writes that while mandarin could be used more in trade between china and africa , there is no record of a language becoming a lingua franca without first being that of an empire .