- 榕屏厂1994年在当地开业。
- The rongping plant opened here in 1994 .
- 这种类型的种植工厂尚未出现在英国。
- Plant factories have yet to arrive in the uk .
- 或者为我们的孩子种下一棵许愿树。
- We would plant a tree in remembrance .
- 移植手术变得几乎不可能。
- Transplant surgery becomes virtually impossible .
- 先以器官移植为例。
- Take the organ transplant first .
- 所以该单词可能直接从拉丁语移植而来。
- So it may have been a direct latin transplant .
- 今后视频数和图书数量仍将不断增长。
- Both catalogs will only grow with time .
- 如何才能让一个庞大的商业帝国实现持续增长呢?
- How do you continue to grow a behemoth ?
- 有人说玫瑰是很难种植。
- Some people say roses are difficult to grow .
- 记住一些很好的拉丁词语并时常的穿插到你的话语中。
- Memorize a few good latin phrases and insert them whenever you can .
- 你可以,正如刚才提到的,可以嵌入图片。
- You can , as mentioned above , insert images .
- 走到她车那儿时,海伦抖得太厉害了以至于钥匙都插不到门上。
- When she reaches her car , helen is shaking too hard to insert the key into the car door .
- 每年,惠特利先生将整个街区都种植上牡丹。
- Every year mr. wheatley planted the whole block with peonies .
- 橄榄树还是绿色或者转为黑色的时候都可以种植。
- Olives can be planted when they are green or when they turn black .
- 村民不再清一色地种植水稻,田里生长着各种各样的作物。
- Instead of rice , villagers planted a range of crops .