- 该解释并没有让勃艮第葡萄酒委员会满意,该委员会代表了该产区的4000家酒厂。
- That explanation has not satisfied the burgundy wine board , which represents about 4000 producers in the region .
- 它们的价格也可能很高,从15英镑的基本款品酒杯到100英镑的勃艮第酒杯不等。
- The prices can also be huge , ranging from 15 for a basic tasting glass to 100 for the burgundy glass .
- 远离总统竞选活动的最后时日的大型集会和大屏幕表演,勃艮第的一个昏昏欲睡的栋济小镇对看起来政治漠不关心。
- Far from the giant rallies and big-screen showmanship of the final days of a presidential campaign , the sleepy town of donzy in burgundy feels untouched by politics .