- 在这段时间,催眠治疗师会要求潜意识揭示了问题的根源正在讨论之中。
- During this time , a hypnotherapist will ask the subconscious to reveal the root cause of the issue being discussed .
- 造成所有这些趋势的根源是同一个:贪婪的人类经济迅速地将世界带到混乱的边缘。
- The root cause of all these trends is the same : a rapacious human economy bringing the world swiftly to the brink of chaos .
- 在提高公众健康水平的同时,日益显现的能源问题的根本原因,缓解环境、经济、宗教紧张状况的关键就在于要设法解决无止境不平等的人口增长。
- The root cause of the looming energy problem-and the key to easing environmental , economic and religious tensions while improving public health-is to address the unending , and unequal , growth of the human population .