- 紧接着福岛第一核电站的电力供应中断,这个随机的自然灾害事件变成了一则讲述社会科技失控的寓言故事。
- Then the electricity went off at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power station , and a random act of natural destruction became a parable of technological society run amok .
- 伊朗阿拉克电厂4×325mw秦山核电站。
- Arak power plant 4 * 325mw of lran , qinshan nuclear power station .
- 2010年9月,水蒸汽从亚美尼亚的metsamor核电站冷却塔中缓缓升起。
- Steam rises from the cooling towers of metsamor nuclear power station in armenia in september 2010 .