- 在北朝鲜的爆炸发生接近于整整两天后,美国官员,包括五角大楼发言人布拉恩怀特曼,无法肯定地说那是否是一次核爆炸。
- Nearly two full days after the explosion in north korea , u.s. officials , including pentagon spokesman bryan whitman , cannot say for sure whether it was a nuclear explosion or not .
- 灾难:控制软件出了故障,造成跨西伯利亚输气管道压力急剧上升,导致了地球历史上最大的人为非核爆炸的产生。
- Disaster : control software went haywire and produced intense pressure in the trans-siberian gas pipeline , resulting in the largest man-made non-nuclear explosion in earth 's history .
- 见过20千吨当量的核爆炸吗?
- Ever see a 20 kiloton nuclear explosion ?