- 帮助企业管理和使用aws的scalextremeinc.首席执行长穆尔钱达尼(nandmulchandani)说,亚马逊现在认识到,他们必须开始面向企业。
- Amazon ' recognizes now that they have to start catering to the enterprise , ' said nand mulchandani , ceo of scalextreme inc. , which helps companies manage and use aws .
- 去年12月,西雅图一家联邦法院颁布禁令,禁止鲍尔斯在今年3月之前利用其所掌握的亚马逊保密信息帮助谷歌向aws的现客户、前客户以及潜在客户进行推销。
- In december , a federal court in seattle barred mr. powers until march from helping google use his confidential knowledge of amazon to pitch current , former or potential aws customers .
- 坦普林拒绝透露他的公司向aws支付多少费用。
- Mr. tamplin declined to disclose what he is paying for aws .