- 本篇专栏含粗言秽语。
- This column contains strong language .
- 巨大的冰列看上去像个冻住的瀑布。
- Massive ice column looks like a frozen waterfall .
- 这个查询尝试在一个排序列中随机选出10个记录。
- This query attempts to select 10 random records ordered by column .
- 米歇尔巴赫曼则希望双重的栅栏防护。
- Michele bachmann wants a double fence .
- 在这期间,我为我的洞穴、我的房子、我的篱笆忙活。
- During those months I worked hard on my cave and my house and my fence .
- 新生的枝条还可以盘绕在直立的支柱上,编织到凉棚或者篱笆里。
- New stems could be coiled around upright supports , woven through a pergola or looped along a fence .
- 收购还有另一重障碍。
- The buyout has another hurdle .
- 第二个重大障碍是融资。
- A second important hurdle is finance .
- 最大的障碍是成本。
- The main hurdle is cost .
- 展示我的蓝色的钢笔.
- Show me a blue pen .
- 你可以用你的钢笔吗?
- May I have your pen ?
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .