- 标语是2008年在意大利开始的。
- That slogan began in italy in 2008 .
- 力量带来和平的确是一条漂亮的标语。
- Peace through strength is a snappy slogan .
- 但是街边窗户上那句标语,却依然清晰。
- But the slogan stayed there in the shop window .
- 电影海报通常来说是用于宣传某一部电影的。
- Basically a film poster is a poster used to advertise a film .
- 美国的存在也就不过是张塔利班招募新兵的海报罢了。
- The us presence is just a recruiting poster for the taliban .
- 然后,制作一张海报贴在墙上展示你们的诗。
- Then , make a poster to display your poem on the wall .
- 鉴于她的教育水平很高,她在生活中的座右铭“我一无所知”看起来有些自我贬低。
- Given her high level of education , her motto in life " I know nothing " may seem self-deprecating .
- 因为有趣而为你的生活挑选一段格言和主题歌曲。
- Have fun picking a motto and theme song for your life .
- 在公众和媒体对奥运冠军的反应上他们给予冠军过多赞誉,而那些失败者则被遗忘第二则格言显得是那么空洞无力。
- This second motto can ring rather hollow in the face of the public and media reactions to olympic champions , who tend to be lauded as much as the also-rans are forgotten .
- 在一种成功能因为曾被引用多少次来判断的行业中,作者可能已经成功地创造了一种新的警句,而同事们在写其他主题的时候觉得有必须要引用。
- In a profession where success is judged by how often one gets quoted , the author has perhaps succeeded in creating a new catchphrase , something colleagues writing on other topics may feel compelled to invoke .
- 一本正式的词典仅此而已,当你需要一条标语,行话,成语,俚语词或者头文字的定义的时候,通常都点到即止。
- A formal dictionary will only take you so far-and will usually stop short when you need the definition of a catchphrase , buzzword , idiom , slang word , or acronym .
- 现在他有了引人注意的新头衔:亿万富翁。
- Today , he has a new catchphrase : billionaire