- 警察在他的车上找到了一张游行路线图。
- A map of their parade route was found in the vehicle .
- 一个僵尸正游行穿过德国法兰克福。
- A zombie parade passes through frankfurt , germany .
- 1985年5月9日,克拉斯诺雅茨克阅兵前的体育表演。
- Sporting performance before the military parade in krasnoyarsk on may 9th , 1985 .
- 规模较小的城市专业于特定的产品,而大城市却炫耀着教育资源和文化吸引力。
- Smaller cities specialize in particular products , while larger ones flaunt their educational capacity and cultural appeal .
- 日本有一些标榜其于他亚洲新兴国家的政治壮举。
- Japan has few political feats to flaunt to other asian emerging countries .
- 有好东西你就显摆吧。当然,得要有品位!
- If you 've got it , flaunt it tastefully , of course .
- 小型的坚果供应商招徕顾客的时候可能会说,他们卖的是新鲜的刚剥壳的坚果。
- Small artisanal nut purveyors might tout that they are selling new-crop nuts very recently shelled .
- 那儿就如同开罗以及其他的伊斯兰国家的首都,商贩们兜售虔诚话语的书法刻印,印有真主阿拉99个名字的书签和用来串起念珠的彩色绳线。
- There , as incairoand other islamic capitals , vendors tout calligraphic renderings of devotional texts , bookmarks with the 99 names for allah and strings of coloured prayer beads .
- 尽管那些美国人兜售自己体制的公正与清白,他们看上去好像在文化上无能和不愿提供实质上的监管。
- Those americans are seen as culturally inept and unwilling to provide substantive oversight , even though they tout the integrity of their systems .
- 把这个盈余变为赤字即可推动经济增长。
- Swinging that into reverse would boost growth .
- 国际游客通常会推动文化产业。
- International tourists normally boost the cultural industries .
- 这还将推动该地区非能源领域的就业。
- It would also boost employment in non-energy areas .